About Us

Our work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made.

Selected Awards
  • 2004 — Aga Khan Award for Architecture
  • 2009 — Mies van der Rohe Award
  • 2013 — AIA/ALA Library Building Award
  • 2015 — Best Interior, Designers Saturday
  • 2016 — AIA New York Honor Award

Construction Process Torre Hospitalet

During the month of October, mechanisms and air conditioning grilles, telecos inside homes and exterior carpentry have been installed. The kitchen and countertop furniture, the sink assembly and the electrical panel labeling have been completed. Work continues on the installation of the elevator and gutter on the balconies, the installation of the housing register and the installation of the centralization room for electric meters and electric vehicles, wiring and trays.

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